A horrible crime has been committed! Conduct the investigation, study the clues given by the medical examiner and try to unmask the murderer hiding among you. But beware, each of you will be entitled to only one accusation. Be observant, because the guilty will do everything to make an innocent person accuse ...
At the beginning of the game, a medical examiner is appointed. Each other player secretly receives an identity (Murderer or Investigator), then 4 "Mobile" cards and 4 "Crime Weapon" cards, which they feature face up in front of them.
All players then close their eyes except the forensic doctor, and the Murderer opens them to secretly designate his mobile and his murder weapon among the cards that are in front of him. The forensic pathologist will have to lead the investigators on the right track by giving them the best clues using the different tiles: the place of the crime, the state of the body, the cause of death, the clothes of the victim ... are as much elements that can help the investigation move forward. But it will be necessary to be vigilant: the murderer will do everything to put sticks in the wheels of the investigators and make accused an innocent in its place!
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Contents of the box : 12 Role cards (black), 11 Badge tokens 200 Object cards (red), 6 Wooden Ball markers, 90 Weapon cards (blue), 32 Hint tiles (including 6 Event tiles).