Download the rule for Fennecs or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.
Acorns have come tumbling from the mountain. Let's collect and return them to the mountain. If they fall into the pond, ask the loach for help! You can carry only up to six acorns. Otherwise, they will drop from your hands! Who will be the one to return the highest number of acorns?
116.01 Ko - In Englishpdf
À la recherche des sites les plus propices aux chasses nocturnes, les Fennecs se mettent en quête de lieux éclairés par les étoiles... mais attention, trop de lumière met en danger ces renards des sables, qui pourraient devenir, À leur tour, des proies.
320.89 Ko - In French