Campaign 08: The Scarlet Keys

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Les Clefs Écarlates - Investigateurs

The Scarlet Keys story begins in Arkham with a series of mysterious disappearances. As objects, animals and people disappear, so do the memories of those who remain. Only you and your fellow...

The Scarlet Keys story begins in Arkham with a series of mysterious disappearances. As objects,...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFGAHC69-FR

Out of Amazon €45.89

Campaign 07 : Edge of the Earth

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Aux Confins de la Terre

Deep in the icy desert of Antarctica lies a secret: a secret so old and so deep that it threatens to shatter our conception of the planet we call home. When a teacher and his student finally...

Deep in the icy desert of Antarctica lies a secret: a secret so old and so deep that it threatens...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFGAHC64

Buy on Amazon €61.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Aux Confins de la Terre - Investigateurs

In the uncharted reaches of the world lurk unspeakable things, nameless beings whose very existence tears at the fabric of reality. But there are men and women who stand up to these monstrosities,...

In the uncharted reaches of the world lurk unspeakable things, nameless beings whose very...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFGAHC63

Buy on Amazon €41.00

Campaign 06: The Innsmouth Conspiracy

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Dans le Maelström

In this expansion pack, you'll discover the final scenario of the Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game. It invites you and your fellow Investigators to plunge into the...

In this expansion pack, you'll discover the final scenario of the Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA58

Buy on Amazon €14.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Tanière de Dagon

As this cycle nears its conclusion, your Investigators move deeper into the heart of danger and into the sea's abyss. You'll need new tools and skills if you plan to attack the Order of Dagon...

As this cycle nears its conclusion, your Investigators move deeper into the heart of danger...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA57

Buy on Amazon €15.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Une Lueur dans le Brouillard

Glancing around, I involuntarily slowed for a moment to admire the sumptuous sea at the end of the street in all its moonlight. - H.P. Lovecraft, "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" A Glimmer in the...

Glancing around, I involuntarily slowed for a moment to admire the sumptuous sea at the end...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA56

Buy on Amazon €9.16
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Horreur à Toute Vitesse

Scenario V (maps 189 to 219). This pack contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that can be played either in Independent mode or as part...

Scenario V (maps 189 to 219). This pack contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC55FR

Out of Amazon €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Récif du Diable

Scenario IV (maps 152 to 188). This pack contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that can be played either in Independent mode or as...

Scenario IV (maps 152 to 188). This pack contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC54FR

Buy on Amazon €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Mouillés Jusqu'au Cou

Scenario III (maps 108 to 151). This pack contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that can be played either in Independent mode or as...

Scenario III (maps 108 to 151). This pack contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC53FR

Buy on Amazon €9.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Conspiration d'Innsmouth

In the dark and decrepit port city of Innsmouth, an inextricable conspiracy is about to be revealed. A government agent is missing and strange creatures have been spotted near the reefs along...

In the dark and decrepit port city of Innsmouth, an inextricable conspiracy is about to be...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC52FR

Out of Amazon €30.69

Campaign 05 : The Dream Devourers

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Tisseuse du Cosmos

Cosmos Weaver contains Scenario IV-B of the Dream Makers campaign. This pack contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that can be played...

Cosmos Weaver contains Scenario IV-B of the Dream Makers campaign. This pack contains 60 fixed...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC44FR

Buy on Amazon €21.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Demeure des Dieux

The Abode of the Gods contains Scenario IV-A of the Dream Devourers campaign. This deck contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that...

The Abode of the Gods contains Scenario IV-A of the Dream Devourers campaign. This deck contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC43FR

Buy on Amazon €15.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Point de Non-Retour

Point of No Return contains Scenario III-B of the Dream Makers Campaign. This pack contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that can be...

Point of No Return contains Scenario III-B of the Dream Makers Campaign. This pack contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC42FR

Buy on Amazon €15.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Face Cachée de la Lune

The Hidden Side of the Moon contains Scenario III-A of the Dream Devourers campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario...

The Hidden Side of the Moon contains Scenario III-A of the Dream Devourers campaign. This...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC41FR

Buy on Amazon €16.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Mille Nuances d’Horreur

Thousand Shades of Horror contains Scenario II-B from the Dream Devourers campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario...

Thousand Shades of Horror contains Scenario II-B from the Dream Devourers campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC40FR

Out of Amazon €21.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - À la Recherche de Kadath

In Search of Kadath contains Scenario II-A from the Dream Devourers campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

In Search of Kadath contains Scenario II-A from the Dream Devourers campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC39FR

Buy on Amazon €14.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Les Dévoreurs de Rêves

There are spirals of time and space, of vision and reality that only a dreamer can guess... - H.P. Lovecraft, "The Silver Key. There is a hidden world beyond the world of awakening: a world...

There are spirals of time and space, of vision and reality that only a dreamer can guess......

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC37FR

Out of Amazon €39.99

Campaign 04: The Broken Circle

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Devant le Trône Noir

Before the Black Throne contains Scenario VIII of the Broken Circle campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

Before the Black Throne contains Scenario VIII of the Broken Circle campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC35FR

Buy on Amazon €16.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Dans les Griffes du Chaos

In the Claws of Chaos contains Scenario VII of the Broken Circle campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

In the Claws of Chaos contains Scenario VII of the Broken Circle campaign. This package contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC34FR

Buy on Philibert €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Union et Désillusion

Union and Disillusionment contains Scenario VI of the Broken Circle campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

Union and Disillusionment contains Scenario VI of the Broken Circle campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC33FR

Buy on Amazon €17.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Pour le Bien Commun

For the Common Good contains Scenario V of the Broken Circle campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that can...

For the Common Good contains Scenario V of the Broken Circle campaign. This package contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC32FR

Buy on Amazon €14.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Salaire du Péché

The Sin Salary contains Scenario IV of the Broken Circle campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that can be played...

The Sin Salary contains Scenario IV of the Broken Circle campaign. This package contains 60...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC31FR

Buy on Amazon €14.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Nom Secret

The Secret Name contains Scenario III of the Broken Circle campaign. This deck contains 60 fixed cards, with new player cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that can be played...

The Secret Name contains Scenario III of the Broken Circle campaign. This deck contains 60...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC30FR

Buy on Philibert €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Cercle Brisé

Behind it all was the deaf, purulent horror of the old town, and the abominable mouldy attic, sheltered by a gable, where he studied and wrote... - H.P. Lovecraft, "The Witch's House" The Judgement....

Behind it all was the deaf, purulent horror of the old town, and the abominable mouldy attic,...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC29FR

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Campaign 03: The Forgotten Civilization

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Les Profondeurs de Yoth

Depths of Yoth contains Scenario VII of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This deck contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player Cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that can...

Depths of Yoth contains Scenario VII of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This deck contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA24

Buy on Amazon €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Paradoxes Temporels

Time Paradoxes contains Scenario VIII of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This deck contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player Cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that...

Time Paradoxes contains Scenario VIII of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This deck contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA25

Buy on Amazon €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Cité des Archives

The City of Archives contains Scenario VI of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This deck contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player Cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that...

The City of Archives contains Scenario VI of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This deck...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA23

Buy on Amazon €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Cœur des Anciens

The Heart of the Ancients contains Scenarios V-A and V-B of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This deck contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player Cards to enhance your existing decks and a...

The Heart of the Ancients contains Scenarios V-A and V-B of the Forgotten Civilization campaign....

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA22

Buy on Amazon €14.93
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Par-delà les Limites

Beyond Boundaries contains Scenario IV of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

Beyond Boundaries contains Scenario IV of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA21

Buy on Amazon €17.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Les Fils du Destin

The Sons of Destiny contains Scenario III of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario...

The Sons of Destiny contains Scenario III of the Forgotten Civilization campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA20

Buy on Amazon €21.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Civilisation Oubliée

I ventured, once again, into the melancholy ruins that lay beneath the sand... - H.P. Lovecraft, "The Nameless City" We think we know the history of the Earth, but there are mysteries beyond...

I ventured, once again, into the melancholy ruins that lay beneath the sand... - H.P. Lovecraft,...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA19

Out of Amazon €42.00

Campaign 02: The Carcosa Road

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Route de Carcosa - Investigateurs

Really, it's time. We have all taken off our disguises, except you. - Robert W. Chambers, "The Mask", The King in Yellow For weeks now, the upcoming performance of The King in Yellow has been...

Really, it's time. We have all taken off our disguises, except you. - Robert W. Chambers,...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFGAHC67

Buy on Playin By Magic Bazar €40.90
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Route de Carcosa - Campagne

I cannot forget Carcosa, where the black stars hang in the heavens, where the shadows of men's thoughts lengthen in the afternoon, when the twin suns sink into the Lake of Hali, and my mind...

I cannot forget Carcosa, where the black stars hang in the heavens, where the shadows of men's...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFGAHC68

Buy on Philibert €63.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Pâle Carcosa

The Carcosa Pale contains Scenario VIII of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that can be...

The Carcosa Pale contains Scenario VIII of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA17

Out of Amazon €24.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Sous les Étoiles Noires

Under the Black Stars contains Scenario VI of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that can...

Under the Black Stars contains Scenario VI of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA16

Out of Amazon €15.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Masque Blême

The Pale Mask contains Scenario VI of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that can be played...

The Pale Mask contains Scenario VI of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains 60...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA15

Search on Amazon
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Spectre de la Vérité

The Spectrum of Truth contains Scenario V of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that can...

The Spectrum of Truth contains Scenario V of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA14

Search on Amazon
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Serment Indicible

The Indicable Oath contains Scenario IV of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that can be...

The Indicable Oath contains Scenario IV of the Carcosa Road campaign. This package contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA13

Search on Amazon
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Les Échos du Passé

Echoes of the Past contains Scenario III of the campaign The Path to Carcosa. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

Echoes of the Past contains Scenario III of the campaign The Path to Carcosa. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA12

Buy on Amazon €12.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Route de Carcosa

Really, it's time. We've all taken off our disguises, except you. - Robert W. Chambers, "The Mask," The King in Yellow For weeks now, the upcoming performance of The King in Yellow in the city...

Really, it's time. We've all taken off our disguises, except you. - Robert W. Chambers, "The...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA11

Buy on Amazon €41.99

Campaign 01: Dunwich's Legacy

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - L'Héritage de Dunwich - Guide de Campagne

No one, even among those who are well informed about the recent abomination, can say exactly what is wrong with Dunwich... - H.P. Lovecraft, 'The Dunwich Abomination'. A monstrous entity terrorised...

No one, even among those who are well informed about the recent abomination, can say exactly...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFGAHC66

Buy on Philibert €63.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - L'Héritage de Dunwich - Investigateurs

No one, even among those who are well informed about the recent abomination, can say exactly what is wrong with Dunwich... - H.P. Lovecraft, 'The Dunwich Abomination'. A monstrous entity terrorised...

No one, even among those who are well informed about the recent abomination, can say exactly...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFGAHC65

Buy on Amazon €39.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Perdu Dans le Temps et l'Espace

Lost in Time and Space contains Scenario VII of the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

Lost in Time and Space contains Scenario VII of the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA08

Buy on Amazon €21.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Là où le Destin Attend

Where Destin Attend contains Scenario VI from Dunwich's Legacy Campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player Cards to enhance your existing decks and a new scenario that can...

Where Destin Attend contains Scenario VI from Dunwich's Legacy Campaign. This package contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA07

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Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Aux Frontières du Visible

At the Frontiers of the Visible contains Scenario V of the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario...

At the Frontiers of the Visible contains Scenario V of the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA06

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Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Du Sang sur l'Autel

Blood on the Altar contains Scenario IV from the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

Blood on the Altar contains Scenario IV from the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package contains...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA05

Out of Amazon €22.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - L'Express du Comté d'Essex

The Essex County Express contains Scenario III from the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario...

The Essex County Express contains Scenario III from the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA04

Buy on Amazon €21.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Musée Miskatonic

The Miskatonic Museum contains Scenario II of the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package contains 60 fixed cards, with new Player cards to improve your existing decks and a new scenario that...

The Miskatonic Museum contains Scenario II of the Dunwich Heritage Campaign. This package...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA03

Buy on Amazon €14.85
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - L'Héritage de Dunwich

No one, even among those well informed of the recent abomination, can say exactly what is wrong with Dunwich... - H.P. Lovecraft, "The Abomination of Dunwich." A monstrous entity terrorized...

No one, even among those well informed of the recent abomination, can say exactly what is...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA02

Out of Amazon €39.99

Investigator Departure Decks

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Winifred Habbamock

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks. Now you have...

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC49FR

Buy on Amazon €15.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Harvey Walters

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks. Now you have...

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC48FR

Buy on Amazon €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Jaqueline Fine

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks. Now you have...

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC50FR

Buy on Amazon €14.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Nataniel Cho

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks. Now you can...

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC47FR

Buy on Amazon €15.99
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Stella Clark

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks. Now you have...

Throughout the five cycles of Horror at Arkham: The Card Game, you've met many investigators...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC51FR

Buy on Amazon €14.65

Renewal of Campaigns

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Renouveau - Le Cercle Brisé

This update expansion is packed with new scenario cards and encounter sets that you can add to each scenario in the Broken Circle cycle, enriching your investigations with new dangers and objectives....

This update expansion is packed with new scenario cards and encounter sets that you can add...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA61

Buy on Philibert €29.95
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Renouveau - La Civilisation Oubliée

Time is cyclical and you find yourself confronted again with its predetermined course... only, things are not what they used to be. Resume the Forgotten Civilization campaign with all-new Scenario...

Time is cyclical and you find yourself confronted again with its predetermined course... only,...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC46FR

Buy on Amazon €33.24
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Renouveau - La Route de Carcosa

Again! Again! Again! Again! Take another ticket to see The King in Yellow and replay the Carcosa Road campaign with brand new Scenario cards designed to add new surprises and challenges. This...

Again! Again! Again! Again! Take another ticket to see The King in Yellow and replay the Carcosa...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC36FR

Buy on Amazon €24.75
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Renouveau - L'Héritage de Dunwich

The Ancients have been, the Ancients are, and the Ancients will be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them. - H.P. Lovecraft, The Abomination of Dunwich. Take the train back to Dunwich...

The Ancients have been, the Ancients are, and the Ancients will be. Not in the spaces we know,...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC28FR

Out of Amazon €34.90
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Renouveau - La Nuit de la Zélatrice

The oldest and most powerful emotion of humanity is fear, and the oldest and most powerful fear is fear of the unknown. – H. P. Lovecraft. The Eater of the Underside sleeps in his dreadful tomb...

The oldest and most powerful emotion of humanity is fear, and the oldest and most powerful...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA26

Out of Amazon €42.99

Independent Scenarios

Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Machinations au Fil du Temps

This new standalone storyline gives us our first glimpse of Arkham Town in different eras. Investigators must move from the 1890s to the 1920s to the 1950s as they attempt to solve the mystery...

This new standalone storyline gives us our first glimpse of Arkham Town in different eras....

Languages : French
Product Code : FFGAHC62-FR

Out of Amazon €21.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Guerre des Dieux Extérieurs

A Total War is taking place on Earth. Investigators must work together to save the planet from the ravages of The War of the External Gods. In this unique 78-card scenario for Horror at Arkham:...

A Total War is taking place on Earth. Investigators must work together to save the planet...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC59FR

Buy on Amazon €25.15
Horreur à Warkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Cabale de Myarlathotep

At Night, All Cats are Grey. Investigators must stop The Cabal of Myarlathotep in this scenario for Horror in Warkham: The Card Game. Myarlathotep, the Chaos Furrower, Minstrel of the Outer...

At Night, All Cats are Grey. Investigators must stop The Cabal of Myarlathotep in this scenario...

Languages : French
Product Code : PAHC01FR

Out of Amazon €28.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Dévoreur de Toute Chose

He came from space. Investigators must contain and destroy The Devourer of Anything in this scenario for Arkham Horror: the Card Game specially designed for Gen Con 2019 and Arkham Nights 2019....

He came from space. Investigators must contain and destroy The Devourer of Anything in this...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC45FR

Buy on Amazon €25.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Meurtre à l’Hôtel Excelsior

Room 225. Tonight. Come alone. Investigators must solve a Murder at Hotel Excelsior in this scenario for Horror in Arkham: The Card Game. Despite the hour that turns and the danger that lurks...

Room 225. Tonight. Come alone. Investigators must solve a Murder at Hotel Excelsior in this...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC38FR

Buy on Amazon €23.50
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Gardiens de l'Abîme

The Fatidic Day Approach. Guardians of the Abyss is an expansion of 78 unpublished cards for Arkham Horror: the Card Game that includes 2 related scenarios. In Eternal Torpedor, the investigators...

The Fatidic Day Approach. Guardians of the Abyss is an expansion of 78 unpublished cards for...

Languages : French
Product Code : AHC27FR

Buy on Amazon €21.48
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Les Labyrinthes de la Folie

In The Labyrinths of Madness, an original 80-card scenario for Horror in Arkham: The Card Game, three separate groups of investigators are kidnapped by a mysterious enemy and forced to participate...

In The Labyrinths of Madness, an original 80-card scenario for Horror in Arkham: The Card...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFJCHA18

Buy on Amazon €25.00
Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - La Malédiction du Rougarou

In this new scenario for Horror in Arkham: The Card Game, investigators explore New Orleans to discover the truth about a recent series of murders... But the curse that affects the bayou threatens...

In this new scenario for Horror in Arkham: The Card Game, investigators explore New Orleans...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFUAHC09

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Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de Cartes - Le Carnaval des Horreurs

Get ready for a festival of terror in The Carnival of Horrors, a unique story for Arkham Horror: The Card Game. In this scenario, the investigators take part in the Carnival of Venice to thwart...

Get ready for a festival of terror in The Carnival of Horrors, a unique story for Arkham Horror:...

Languages : French
Product Code : FFUAHC10

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