The Pokémon legacy is evolving with the XY extension - Evolutions of the Pokémon CGC! Trainers and their Pokémon are growing and evolving - and this expansion gives back their glory to the very first Pokémon card games. With the exhilarating power of Mega-Florizarre-EX, Mega-Dracaufeu-EX and Mega-Tortank-EX, and surprises including Dracolosse-EX, Feunard TURBO, Mackogneur TURBO and Mega-Flagadoss-EX, the classic hard-fought Pokémon and the old-fashioned Trainers are reinvented into a new generation. Professor Chen will help you get started, and you will reach the top with the XY extension - Evolutions of JCC Pokémon.
Good to know!
Contents of the box : Each booster contains 10 cards.