The first player announces a value between 1 and 11. The next one places a card and must announce a value greater than or equal to it. Will he be able to bluff without getting caught? The first player to turn over his 5 "Character" cards on the "Not Crappy" side wins the game.
Distribute to each player the 5 cards of his character. He places them in front of him, face "POURRI" (red background). Deal each player 5 "Bluff" cards.
The first player places a "Bluff" card face down and announces a value between 1 and 11. The next player places a "Bluff" card, face down, over the previous player's card. It must announce a value greater than or equal to that given by the previous player. And so on and so forth. Once a player announces 11, the next player has three options: announce 11 too, place a special card or say: "You're bluffing! "At any time, a player can, in fact, call out to another player and say: "You're bluffing! »
The offending player then turns over his card so that others can check whether he was bluffing or not. If he was bluffing, the player who designated him turns a "Character" card over to "Not FORRI". If he wasn't bluffing, it's up to him to turn a "Character" card over to "Not FORRI". The player who turned over his 5 "Character" cards face up "Not FORRI" first won!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 110 cards.