A competition for the biggest eater is being organized. As a greedy little cat, you can't resist the urge to participate. But will you have a strong enough stomach? In Wa Chat Bi you should eat as many dishes as possible and avoid getting sick.
The first player chooses a card from his hand and places it face up on the pile of the game. Each in turn, you can then perform one of the following four actions: Serve a dish: place a card of the same value as the one already in play. Eat a dish: Draw as many cards as the sum of the cards in play while hoping not to run into an Indigestion card. Play an Action card: Special cards save your skin by sending the turn back to the next, previous or desired player. Skip a dish: play two Flat cards of the same value to discard the cards in play and start a new series.
The game stops as soon as a player has had his eyes bigger than his stomach and takes his third Indigestion chip.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 72 cards, 17 Action cards, 6 Indigestion cards, 15 Indigestion Tokens, 1 Turn Order Token, 1 Rule Book.