Together, cooperate and show your affinity. Using the cards "beginning", "middle" and "end" of sentences, create sentences that will resonate with your partners with the same emotion as yours, allowing the complicity between you to grow. But be careful, if the emotion is not found, discord will increase! Each player receives an "Emotion" card with one of the game's four emotion spirits: Beautiful, Fun, Gloomy or Sad. Each player also receives 3 "beginning" cards, 3 "middle" cards and 3 "end" cards. Simultaneously, all players create the sentence most representative of their emotion using their hand, combining a beginning, a middle and an end.
The sentences are passed to the person next to them who reads it to the group. All players (except the author of the sentence) can then debate and validate the emotion that seems most accurate. If the emotion is found, the Harmony piece will advance, if not, the Discord piece will advance. Who of Harmony or Discord will reach the opponent's territory and thus designate the level of affinity of your group?
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Affinity or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 180 Sentence Cards, 32 Emotion Cards, 3 Bonus Chips, 1 Harmony Chit, 1 Discord Chit, 1 Decision Chit, 1 Emotion Board, 1 set of rules.