A pocket Escape Room game designed to be played alone or with a group of friends. The expedition in search of El Dorado has suffered a setback: you have searched for a long time for the legendary city of gold in the heart of the jungle, without ever finding it. On the return flight, a statue head hits the plane and you have to eject by parachute! You are alone, tired and hungry, lost in the middle of an unexplored part of the forest. You only have the few items you grabbed before you jumped.
This could be your end... or your very last chance to solve the Mystery of El Dorado! Will you be able to survive the traps of the Amazonian forest and discover the legendary city of Eldorado?
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 60 large cards, 1 mystery map, 1 rule book.