Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available

Download the rule for Light Hunters: Battalion of Darkness - Wind of the Dunes & Tide of Atlantis or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.

Light Hunters: Battalion of Darkness Rulebook


Mighty Hero from a far-off land, now exiled to this dark forest, you once shone bright amongst your fellow men, but are now doomed to roam the darkness. Surrounded by crooks, you now seek the former glory of your past. Show the true Hero you are, and regain your freedom at last.

6.77 Mo - In English

Light Hunters: Battalion of Darkness Règle


Héros puissant du monde d’où tu viens, tu fus exilé dans cette sombre forêt, Toi qui jadis brillais parmi les tiens, tu erres dans les ténèbres désormais, Entouré de criminels, tu cherches à présent ton honneur passé, Agis en véritable héros, pour reconquérir un jour ta liberté.

7.18 Mo - In French