In this cooperative game, you'll take on the heroic roles of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger or Neville Londubat to confront a series of evil threats. Determined to conquer the world of wizards one place at a time, the Enemies will attack you relentlessly. This game is designed to unfold in seven adventures of increasing difficulty to be undertaken in order, with the ultimate goal of defeating You-Know-Who once and for all.
As a cooperative Hero, you win the game if you defeat the Enemies before they've taken control of all the Places - keeping Hogwarts safe, at least for now... But you lose the game if the Enemies manage to take over all the Places!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 Deck, 252 Cards (47 Small, 142 Medium, 63 Large), 4 Dice, 7 Game Boxes, 7 Game Rules, 4 Player Cards, 8 Enemy Control Markers, 70 Pawns (35 Damage, 25 Influence, 4 Life, 2 Shield, 4 Horcrux).