In the workshop, the master murmurs: "There will come a day when your print will leave you unsatisfied. You will contemplate it, correct it and destroy it without being able to evacuate this heavy feeling of emptiness. Your art is alive. He must be fed. Mastering the sea and mountains will no longer be enough for you. Under your fingers, your brush will then form previously unknown drawings. Umbrellas, lanterns. Maybe kites. And all this is for the best. But... (and he utters these words with an unprecedented seriousness) But beware of the Yokai.
At the beginning of the game, Kanagawa Yokai now lets you choose the subjects of your prints. Umbrellas, kites and lanterns are three new subjects that your teacher can teach you. When setting up the game, you will now choose to play with two families of cards from the basic game and two families from the expansion. The parties are therefore becoming more varied and strategic. You now have to adapt your choices to the new diplomas in order to hope to win. As for the prints, they are more magnificent than ever, enhanced by the 54 new cards in the game.
Among these new cards that invite you to paint parasols, kites and lanterns, many now require you to add a Yokai token to your workshop. Present in the game as 3, the Yokai are evil and joking spirits who aim to disturb you during your work. They distract the artist and penalize the player by inflicting a penalty if he has one at the end of the game. Fortunately, it is possible to pass them on to other players if you follow the right teachings or get the right diplomas. At the end of the game, you will lose 1 point if you still have a Yokai chip, 4 points if you have two, and 9 points if you have all three chips. The presence of the Yokai will not always be evil, however, because a diploma will reward the player who owns the 3 Yokai chips during the game. It is up to him to ensure that he then gets rid of the evil spirits before the end of the game.
No more twists and turns and interaction thanks to the Yokai. New Diploma tiles and Teaching Cards for more replayability. Prints more sumptuous than ever thanks to J. Mosch's illustrations.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
Download the rule for Kanagawa: Yokai or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 3 Yokai counters, 54 Teaching cards (format 60x60mm), 11 Diploma tiles, 1 game rule.