Download the rule for LAMA or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.
The Llama commands it: Get rid of all your negative points! Play your cards or you will earn negative points. If you can’t play a card, you’ll have to decide: Do you quit now, or do you draw a card which hopefully you can play later? Negative points come in the form of tokens, and if you get rid of all your cards, you can return a token—which may be worth 1 or 10 points. The player with the fewest...
988.08 Ko - In Englishpdf
LAMA : LÂche ta MAin. Chaque carte non posée à la fin d’une manche rapporte des points, mais le gagnant est celui qui en aura le moins ! Il faut savoir doser la prise de risque pour savoir quand piocher ou quitter la manche pour limiter les dégâts.
698.29 Ko - In French