Le Bois des Coua2sous offers the same game mechanics as its big brother Le Bois des Couadsous, in a new setting and with new characters: the Wild Boars have arrived! So, those who don't have the game can choose which one they prefer, and... Those who have both games will have new and rich game perspectives! Indeed, each of the two games is transformed into an extension for the other! What are the contributions?
Neighbours' Day (5 to 8 players) Crazy level 7/10. You can now be up to 8 players around the table without the game area being larger, and keeping exactly the same basic game mechanism!
Better twice than once (2 to 4 players) Crazy level 9/10. Looking at the game, everything seems normal, as usual... Don't get me wrong, because this game mode will surprise you with its sneakiness, and will put your memory to an even harder test! Once again, keeping the heart of the basic game, you will alternate phases of calm and trouble for your greatest astonishment and pleasure of play!
The big table (2 to 6 players) Crazy level 8/10. This time, you will enlarge the forest a little, and in addition you can be up to six players! Could it be surprisingly hard to remember three cards? Then you won't be surprised that it will be worse for four cards!
Winter is coming (5 to 8 players) Crazy level 87/10. For the bravest, only....
Contents of the box : 1 booklet of rules extended to 2 boxes, 25 tiles, 1 rule booklet.