If on the surface, Ravnica is divided between several guilds, the underground kingdom belongs exclusively to the Essaim Golgari. For the Golgari, the border between life and death is only a simple cycle: everything that is born is destined to die and everything that dies is destined to nourish the Essaim. A refuge for the marginalized, those excluded from the upper world and those who had to grow up in the city's shadow, the Essaim is home to zombies, trolls, insects, elves, gorgonians and fungi.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 6 Files Available6 Files Available
Download the rule for Magic: The Gathering - Golgari - Kit de Guilde or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 6 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 deck of 60 cards, 1 health point counter, 1 Guild badge, 1 Guild sticker, 1 booklet.