Dale of Merchants: Systematic Eurasian Beavers on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/207108/dale-merchants-systematic-eurasian-beavers

English - The Dale of Merchants: Systematic Eurasian Beavers mini-expansion includes one additional animalfolk deck to be used with either Dale of Merchants or Dale of Merchants 2. Beavers' effects happen only after certain triggers, which makes it really important to plan ahead. If you're crafty enough, you can create awesome combos with them.

La Vallée des Marchands: Les Castors Communs Méthodiques site distributeur

Official https://www.gigamic.com/jeu/la-vallee-des-marchands-mini-extension-castors

French - 1. Le premier volume est un succès commercial. Il possède une forte communauté de joueurs. 2. Le jeu arbore le Seal of Approval de Tower Dice, gage de qualité. 3. Du beau matériel : Zenith black core carte allemande avec linen.