No taboo in this game to go out at parties or aperitifs! But beware, the tongues might get loose! Each player has 5 question cards. Some have been drawn from the pre-made cards, others prepared by the other players. In turn, each player will have to read a question card and the 3 associated options aloud. The player will have to choose the option that best suits him discreetly in the confessional while the others will have to anticipate his answer. Together, the players reveal the chosen option. Those who have found the right option win a point.
The winner will be the one who has the most points when all the questions have been asked.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 290 pre-made question cards, 31 customizable question cards, 30 answer cards, 45 point cards, 1 confessional, 1 game rule.