English - Not Alone: Sanctuary was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jul 17, 2020, the campaign lasted 10 days. 745 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $5,000.00. Thanks to these 745 people the game could be funded up to $22,635.00, ~452.70%.
English - Not Alone: Sanctuary, an expansion for Not Alone, adds a few new elements to the base game, such as a Sanctuary location that gets more powerful the more that you visit it, but which also requires more effort to reach. The creature also gains the ability to mutate...
French - Un plateau supplémentaire, des lieux supplémentaires, tels qu'un emplacement de " Sanctuary " qui devient plus puissant au fur et à mesure que vous le visitez, mais qui nécessite également plus d'efforts l'atteindre.