Board for space! Scientists seem to have detected a mysterious planet at the edge of our solar system. Will your crew be able to confirm its existence? In The Crew, players play as members of a space crew on a journey to a mysterious planet. But the journey will be epic, with 50 increasingly perilous missions to be completed before the destination is reached. To win a mission in The Crew, each player must complete their assigned tasks. In each round of the game, players play a single card from their hand to form a fold. The player who wants to complete the task must not only win the trick, but also make sure that the card corresponding to the task is present in the trick!
100% cooperation! The Crew is a 100% cooperative game in which players must allow each other to win the tricks that are necessary for their overall victory. It's subtle... and incredibly immersive. But beware: if the task assigned to a player is done by mistake by another player, the game is immediately lost! Each player must respect the silence of the space vacuum. It will sometimes be possible to communicate during the game, but only to give very limited information about the possibilities of the game. It will be necessary to interpret each information provided by the team members in order not to play the wrong card at the wrong time.
An enormous lifespan. The fifty missions invite a vast space epic of increasing difficulty that will last for very long hours. The games always follow one another with passion: intense and nervous, they are experienced in sessions lasting between 5 and 20 minutes. Each failure calls for a new attempt, each success invites you to further optimize your next rounds of the game.
Since its release, The Crew: En Quête de la Neuvième Planète has won numerous awards and has been particularly well received by players. If you don't put it down or haven't played it yet, you absolutely need it in your game library, with The Crew: En Quête de la Neuvième Planète, you'll have a great time with your friends, below the reward obtained by the game : ().
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
Download the rule for The Crew: En Quête de la Neuvième Planète or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 40 Space cards, 5 Recall cards, 36 Task cards, 16 Chits, 1 Commander counter, 1 Rule Book, 1 Logbook.