Let's board! The greatest pirate captains have sailed to the Candy Islands, thirsting for wealth, glory and... sugar! Recruit fierce mercenaries and seize delicious treasures to become the greatest pirate of the Candy Islands. Game Principle: Candy Islands is a clever, devious and dynamic auction game in an original and colourful universe! Treasure cards are placed on the islands between each player. Rounds are simultaneous: players secretly place Candy Balls and/or Mercenaries with special powers in each hand. They reveal them and compare with their two neighbours. The player who has bet the most wins the treasure, and the candies bet are exchanged between the players!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 4 screens, 48 candy balls, 21 mercenary tokens, 40 island cards, 1 rule book.