Day or night? High or low? Each round of the Twilight card game, players try to decide whether high or low numbers are more valuable based on the cards each is playing - and this can change instantly, leaving you in the dark when it comes to scoring. Each round goes as follows: First, reveal the top card of the deck and place it next to the time card. Next, each player chooses a card from their hand, then reveals them simultaneously; if an odd number of revealed cards have a time symbol on them, turn the time card over. Then repeat this process, each player choosing, then revealing another card from their hand, again turning over the time card if an odd number of revealed cards have the time symbol.
Now determine who has won the round: If the time card shows the sun, the suit with the highest visible sum among the visible cards (which includes the first card revealed) is the winning suit; if the time card shows the moon, then the suit with the lowest sum wins. All players who have played at least one card of the winning suit now pick up any visible card and place it in front of them. Remove all remaining cards from the deck, deal two cards to each player, then start the next round. When the deck is empty, the game ends and the players score according to the number of stars on the cards in front of them. The player with the most stars wins.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Crépuscule or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 108 cards, 1 time card, 1 rule book.