French - Jurassic Cats was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Nov 15, 2020, the campaign lasted 30 days. 260 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €5,400.00. Thanks to these 260 people the game could be funded up to €9,558.00, ~177.00%.
English - A Trick-taking card game fun and quick with dangerous cats and cute dinosaurs. You must try to overcome the chaos of the situation. There, cats will hunt dinosaurs and try to capture them. You must attack and adapt. Each turn you must choose your objectives and try to win them with the meat you have, otherwise you will have nothing. At the end of the game the winner is the one with the most dinosaurs's...
French - Jurassic Cats est un jeu de plis dans lequel chacun essaie de prévoir les dinosaures qu’il pourra remporter. Mais de nombreuses cartes actions seront là pour semer la zizanie et les parties ne se dérouleront jamais comme prévu. Les joueurs devront s’adapter et apprendre à piéger leurs adversaires ! A l’aide des cartes chats, les joueurs vont tenter de capturer les cartes dinosaures qu’ils souhaitent.