20 September 1519: Activity on deck is frenetic. Sailors run from one side to the other, loading the last batch of supplies. On the royal rostrum in the harbour, preparations are intense. The king has arrived to see the fleet put to sea: five mighty ships, commanded by five clever captains whose wits will be tested in the years to come. The cannons roar, giving the signal for departure. Anchors are raised and sails are unfurled. The voyage around the world has begun. In Magellan: Elcano, you play the role of a captain on one of these ships sailing around the world, and you want to collect as much cargo as possible. Each player has an identical deck of 15 cards, and you start with five random cards in your hand. These cards have values of two colours (red, blue and green) on opposite ends, and there are three sets of red, blue and green ocean cards in the centre of the table.
Reveal the top card of each deck. Each player then takes turns playing a card from their hand in front of them, making up to three piles - one of each colour - and rotating a player's card as they wish to make it one colour or another. Continue around the table until all players have passed or have no cards left in their hands. The player who has played the most red cards discards his or her played cards and claims the corresponding ocean card; all other players return their red cards to their hands. In the event of a tie, all players return their cards to their hands, leaving the red ocean card in place. Do the same with the blue and green cards.
All players draw two cards from their personal deck, then you reveal a new red, blue and green ocean card, stacking the cards of the same colour if they were not claimed the previous one. Continue playing rounds until all players' cards are empty. Total up your claimed ocean cards. Whoever has the highest amount wins!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 75 Crew cards, 18 Stage cards, 6 Storm cards, 1 Pigafetta card, 1 rule book.