Play a card of the requested suit, and win the trick... or make another player win it! End the round by winning a certain number of tricks: win as many points as tricks won... by the other players! But be careful, the last player to leave the round wins nothing. The dealer opens the round by playing a card from his hand, face up, in the middle of the playing area. This is the first card of the "trick". Clockwise, each other player adds a card to the trick, face up. To play a card, you must follow the following rules:
Any card can be played to open a trick. This card determines the 'requested suit' for that trick. All other cards played in that trick must be of the requested suit (the suit of the first card in the trick). If you have no card of the requested suit in your hand, you can play any card from your hand. When all players have added a card from their hand, the player who has played the highest value card of the requested suit wins the trick.
A round ends when there is only one player left (all others are out of the round). This player receives no marshmallows and becomes the dealer for the next round. A round ends when there is only one player left (all others are out of the round). This player receives no marshmallows and becomes the dealer for the next round.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 60 cards, 35 marshmallows, 1 rule book.