Three cats were still fighting to see who was the strongest in the kingdom. Since they could never find a winner, they came up with the idea of an epic contest. Which of them would be able to eat the spiciest food? It was certainly an idea that was not without its salt! The contest was organised... and the cats started to eat... Spicy is a fun card game in which 2 to 5 players try to impose their superiority by eating spicy food... or by pretending they do! Bluffing is indeed part of the game, and it will be quite possible (even advisable) to lie about the cards played.
A fast and nervous round of play! Spicy is a fast-paced game that is easy to get out of and can be set up in seconds. Ideal for playing on holiday, at home, or on a desk corner during lunch break. A round of Spicy starts with the first player placing a card face down on the table. He must then announce which spice it is, and how strong it is. There are three types of spicy dishes: chilli, pepper and wasabi. Each spice contains 10 cards with different values (from 1 to 10) to indicate its power. The next player has the choice: draw a card and strengthen his hand, or lay a new card face down on top of the one already played. Attention: he must then announce a card of the same spice as the first one, and of a higher power, to prove that he is stronger than his neighbour. Yes, but in fact, he can play any card he wants. Any card. He can put a "Wasabi 3" card face down while announcing a "Pepper 5" and looking his opponents in the eyes. The deceiver!
"Objection! I call his bluff! Bim! If another player questions the last card played, they must challenge the spice OR the value of the card. The card played is then revealed. If the challenger was right, they get all the cards that were played since the beginning of the round. They will be used to score points at the end of the game. If he was wrong, he draws two cards and adds them to his hand. Then he starts a new round of spices. If no one challenges a card play, the round continues. The next player must also draw a card and announce the same spice, but with an even higher value. It's up to the player to decide whether or not they are telling the truth.
It stings but it's good! There are several ways to win the game, which allows for quite different strategies. Each time a player manages to play the last card in his hand, he immediately takes a trophy card. The trophy card gives 10 victory points, but also an automatic victory if the player manages to get two trophies. If no one gets two trophies, the victory will be decided by points. Hence the importance of being wrongly challenged, in order to get as many point cards as possible. The game ends when the cats reach the "end of the world", i.e. a special card inserted in the deck at the beginning of the game.
Have you tried all the seasonings? After a few games, add a few little twists with special cards that change the course of the game. You can change the type of Chilli played during the round, win the cards played if no one challenges a 4 or decide that a 6 has the same power as a 9... 6 Seasoning cards are available to make your tastings always different and allow a huge replayability.
Between bluffing and risk taking... Spicy is a fast and tricky bluffing game in which you have to observe your opponents as much as the game. It's not enough to guess that an opponent is lying, you have to take a risk on the nature of the lie, which gives the game a particularly pleasing tactical dimension. Bringing together 2 to 5 liars, the game is a festival of deceit, tricks and other card counting for a result that is as exciting as it is accessible: a quick and guilty pleasure that glorifies lying and leaves bitter memories for the unfortunate losers. A treat to play for its heightened sensations!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Spicy or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 100 Spice cards, 1 End of the World card, 3 Trophy cards, 6 Seasoning cards, 1 rulebook.