What's Missing ?
Expansion for : What's Missing ?

What's Missing ?

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 12 Notes
What's Missing ?

Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available

Download the rule for What's Missing ? or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.

What's Missing ? Rulebook

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/a3/3d/3a-whats-missing-rulebook.pdf

"What’s Missing?" is an imagination game in which players have to draw so that their friends can guess a picture. But instead of drawing the actual picture... they will draw everything around it! If you want to win, being smart is more important than being a good artist.

1.19 Mo - In English

What's Missing ? Règle

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/20/80/67-whats-missing-regle.pdf

« What’s missing ? » est un jeu d’imagination dans lequel vous allez devoir dessiner pour faire deviner une image. Mais au lieu de représenter cette image, vous devrez imaginer et dessiner ce qui l'entoure, son contexte. Pour gagner, l'astuce l'emportera sur le talent artistique !

1.19 Mo - In French