See without being seen and communicate without being intercepted. You must make yourself known discreetly to your contacts on the ground. You have their description and Carnival allows you to operate undercover: the task seems simple... But beware, the counter-espionage services are on the alert! Each turn, wink at your new secret partner without being seen by the other players! Your goal is to identify your new partner each round and to be recognized by him/her with winks, without being noticed by the others. Each time you and your partner manage to recognise each other with a discreet wink, you each get a point.
Every time you reveal the hidden connection between two other partners by intercepting a wink, you score the two points they should have scored. Don't be afraid of the eyes: be quick, cool and daring!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 3 Files Available3 Files Available
Download the rule for WINK: Nid d'Espions or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 72 Agent cards, 32 Counterintelligence cards, 8 Infiltrator cards, 8 Infiltrator counters, 1 set of rules.