7: The Sins is a competitive card game that will test your memory, risk assessment skills and moral integrity. A full life - full of virtues and vices - is coming to an end and the inevitable judgment is weighing on your conscience. In the course of the game, you will try to get the best possible score by collecting the different types of deadly sins, in the form of cards. The game mixes classic card collection rules with a memory plot, as you cannot look further into your deck after each round. Try not to be seduced by excess, nor by total indifference.
From time to time, you must also feed the Chasm of Souls to influence the endgame and earn the Forgiveness Stones, which are really useful in the final tally. Bow your heads and await the verdict, sinners, and face the final journey of your miserable lives.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 92 large cards, 1 small board the Abyss of Souls, 10 forgiveness stones, 1 rule book.