The more insects in a collection, the more points you get. Follow the instructions on the objective card to earn even more points. A game of cards, ranking and optimisation. Hand out 2 cards to each player. Turn over an objective card. Make up the deck. Draw the cards 2 by 2 and place them side by side in the centre of the table, turning over as many pairs as there are players, + one pair: for 3 players, form 4 pairs.
On his turn, a player captures one of the available pairs, of his choice. He takes them in his hand. Then, if he decides to, he places his cards 2 by 2 in a pile of insects of the same species: bees with bees, beetles with beetles, etc. When the turn is over, the pairs are reconstituted with the deck in the middle of the table and it is up to the next player to start the new turn. At the end of the game, the points are counted according to the rules, taking into account the score card and the objective card.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 90 cards (65 insect cards, 9 joker cards, 8 objective cards, 5 score cards), 1 rule book.