This installment of the critically acclaimed Similo deduction game takes place in the Wizarding World. Fans of the saga try to guess a secret character among the 12 revealed, all from the Harry Potter universe. They are helped by the narrator, who plays character cards from his or her hand as clues while indicating whether they are similar or different from the secret character. Similo: Harry Potter features over 30 iconic characters from the wizarding world such as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape and many more.
You have 5 rounds to unmask the secret character. If you eliminate it by mistake, everyone loses! In this game cooperation is key, will you be on the same page as the narrator who gives the clues without saying a word?
Contents of the box : 30 character cards, 5 game rules cards.