Bardwood Grove
Bardwood Grove

1-4 PlayersBest of 3 players

90 MinPlaying time

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public


(Good - usually willing to play.)


Bardwood Grove is a Euro board game where each player takes on the role of a fantasy bard. Set in the world of the Five Kingdoms (Merchants Cove, Rise to Nobility, Cavern Tavern), players will venture into the realm of the Halflings, home to the finest, most talented and legendary bards in the land. As bards, players will manage a unique tempo dial mechanic to build temporary song boards from their decks, while exploring and activating locations around the lush forest city. Each bard starts with asymmetrical skill decks to match their style, such as Bardbarian, Sword Dancer and Wardrummer. Learn new bardic skills, tell stories and perform concerts, appease the dissonant creatures that invade the grove, and battle other bards for the most glory and fame. Once all the glory has been collected, the bard with the most combined glory and fame wins!

Each turn, players draw two cards from their unique skill deck and play one into their story (discard) to gain instant benefits, while the other is added to their song (tableau). Bardwood Grove challenges players to carefully create their song charts, coordinating them with their song cycle which governs the frequency of their songs. As players strategically use resources to enhance their charts, Songs release powerful combos and allow players to interact with multiple locations. This creates a unique ebb and flow in the game, as players build their songs, then decide when and where to sing them.

Rumour has it that Bardwood Grove is full of hidden secrets. As the game progresses and decisions are made, players will unlock content and evolve the game naturally. An achievement system linked to choices and performance in each game will guide players through a series of unlockable content. As new content emerges with each game, the game will offer players new content based on unique outcomes and player decisions. Grove locations will change, additional bardic skills can be unlocked, bardic decks will become more powerful, new bards will arrive in town, and a variety of characters (both good and evil) will be able to enter the game. Unlock the mysteries of Bardwood Grove!

Bardwood Grove CoverBardwood Grove EclateBardwood Grove ZoomBardwood Grove ZoomBardwood Grove ZoomBardwood Grove Zoom

Bardwood Grove funded on the Kickstarter platform

Bardwood Grove was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Nov 4, 2021, the campaign lasted 22 days. 3,491 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $30,000.00. Thanks to these 3,491 people the game could be funded up to $276,771.00, ~922.57%.

Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available

#Fantastic #Action Points #Deckbuilding #Programming

Explanations, Part, Rule, Trailer ... 3 Videos Available3 Videos Available

I try to inform myself about the game, so I do not hesitate to watch a video explanation to know the rules
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Summary of all detailed information about the game (release date, ean code, weight, size, ...)

Primary titleBardwood Grove
Year published2023
Release DateMarch 2023
Acquisition dateAdd my game acquisition date
Size11.69 x 11.69 x 2.80 inches
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DesignersCarl Van OstrandDrake Villareal
ArtistsMihajlo Dimitrievski
PublishersFinal Frontier GamesSuper Meeple
Type of publicAmateur