The king is on holiday. He has entrusted the city and its treasure to the prince. The robbers know this and intend to get their hands on it... or at least try to! Will you play the prince or the brigand? Brigands is an asymmetric game of deduction and cunning that pits a prince against rival bands of brigands. The prince must protect the city's coffers from the robbers. If no bandit manages to steal 50 ducats from the kingdom at the end of the 6 rounds, the prince is victorious! Otherwise, the richest bandit wins. During a round, each player sends his 3 team members to the districts of his choice. The choice is secret and simultaneous. When everyone has made their decision, it is time to reveal the choices and place each crew member in the city.
If a prince's crew is in the same district as the robbers' crews, the robbers are arrested before they can hope to get rich. If not, they can plunder the district. Each district allows you to loot the treasure in a unique way. Beware, if someone has played an action token on the district at the beginning of their turn, they may steal or push another player's crew, or flee to another district at the last minute. Once in jail, the thieves can choose to wait for their trial or try to escape. The player prince will improve his skills during the game to better recover his treasure or better trap the robbers.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 15 counters, 3 patrol counters, 43 neighbourhood cards, 7 day cards, 90 coins, 36 tokens, 6 pointers (+1 spare), 2 wooden cylinders, 3 dice, 9 neighbourhood tiles, 1 prince board, 6 action wheels, 1 illustrated rulebook.