Pagan: The Fate of Roanoke by Kasper Kjær Christiansen and Kåre Werner Storgaard is a deductive card game set in colonial America in 1587. The essence of this asymmetrical game is the struggle of the witch against the witch hunter. While the witch strives to perform a ritual, the hunter tries to find her and discover her true identity. Both players have access to variable decks of 50 cards each and use different resources to defeat the other side. Many tactics and strategies are possible and necessary to survive in this battle between the two powers. Illustrator Maren Gutt's dark graphics bring the fictional story of the lost colony of Roanoke to life.
Pagan is an asymmetrical card game for 2 players playing the role of the witch or the witch hunter. The witch attempts to perform a renaturation ritual before being unmasked by the witch hunter and eliminated. Nine villagers are suspected and only the witch player knows who the real witch is. Each turn, both players use their action counters on the active villagers to draw cards, play cards and gain influence. In addition, the witch can brew powerful potions, upgrade her pet and cast enchantments and charms, while the witch hunter recruits allies, claims strategic locations and ruthlessly investigates villagers.
In Pagan, two players compete to be the first to achieve their individual goal. As a witch, your goal is to collect enough secrets to perform a ritual so powerful that the entire region will fall under your spell and Mother Nature will take back the island. As the hunter, you must gather all the allies and support you can muster to bring the witch to justice before her fatal ritual is carried out. The prototype has already won the Danish Otto Design Award at Fastaval for the best game at the fair in 2018.
Pagan: Le Destin de Roanoke funded on the Kickstarter platform
Pagan: Le Destin de Roanoke was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Mar 30, 2021, the campaign lasted 30 days. 2,014 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €20,000.00. Thanks to these 2,014 people the game could be funded up to €102,236.00, ~511.18%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 50 Hunter cards, 50 Witch cards, 42 Hunter tokens, 53 Witch tokens, 2 Influence discs, 2 Player Aid cards, 2 Scenario cards, 1 Village and Enchantment board, 21 Villager and Suspect cards, 1 Hunter board, 1 Witch board, 1 Rulebook.