Drei Magier Spiele is Publisher, whose headquarters are located in BERLIN. The company has published 18 games (Die Villa der Vampire, Château Badabouh !, Kéblo, Parrattle, + 14 more).
Address :
Lahnstraße 21
BERLIN D-12055
Phone : +49 30 6839020
WebsiteThe great vampire festival, which takes place every 99 years, is going to take place in the abandoned villa. But what is it? The very old vampires are still "sleeping" quietly in their coffins and they might miss the festival. This is unacceptable! In...
Languages : German, English, French, Italian
Amount : from €43.73
Together, the players count from 1 to 20, each giving a number in turn. Each time you play, Fréd the bat gives you a new challenge! Replace a number by another, by a gesture, a noise or a word: will you succeed in meeting all his challenges? Keblo's...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.90 to €13.50
Throw your cards quickly while saying the right things. In this game of speed and discarding cards you have to say the right colour or species, shout "Plapparagei", or simply imitate others - but wasn't a colour forbidden? Do you always know what to...
Languages : German, English, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €13.50 to €57.32
In Dard-Dard, you'll have to use discretion to cheat and even steal your opponents! Get rid of your cards as quickly as possible by playing them in the center of the table or throwing them over your shoulder or under the table. As long as the watchful...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.90 to €16.28
It will make you zozoos! responsive to get rid of your cards as soon as possible! In turn each player puts his first card on one of the three stacks and must instantly give the correct answer: a majority of animals, colors, or in case of equality Dodelido!...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.90 to €43.78
To get rid of his cards as quickly as possible, all means are good, even ... cheating! Each turn takes the role of the Guardian Punaise who watches over the grain by watching others. Will you be honest by following the rules or will you cheat? Put a...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.00 to €13.80
The cards represent different kinds of very nice creatures (bats, cockroaches, toads, scorpions...). One of the players places a card in front of him face down and announces an animal to a player who will then have to decide whether he thinks the player...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.00 to €13.80
Players prepare a compound salad as quickly as possible by placing their Vegetable cards in turn. The problem is that they must also announce the name of the corresponding vegetable as quickly as they put them down, without setting foot in the dish....
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.00 to €13.80