In Zombie Dice, you play as a zombie: fresh or not, whole or partial, slow or fast ... it does not matter, because you want only one thing: cerveeaaauux! And among zombies, camaraderie does not exist. You are just dead, and do not care about the customs of society!
The dice provided in the box represent your victims, and carry 3 distinct symbols: a brain, footprints, and a shotgun. The difficulty increases according to the color of the dice, depending on whether it is green and contains more brains, yellow with more footprints, or red and covered with gunshots. In turn, each player must take 3 random dice and throw them.
Brain: you have devoured the brain of your victim. Place the die on your left. Imprints: Your victim has run away. Raise this die on your next roll. Rifle: your victim defends himself! Place the die on your right.
After his first throw, the player decides whether to yield to greed and raise 3 new dice (including those with footprints), or quietly enjoy the brain (s) already acquired pending his next turn. As long as he plays again, he adds up the brains obtained. When a participant chooses to pass the hand, the next player rolls the dice in turn, and so on.
The goal of the game is to devour 13 brains, and the winner is the one who gets there first. However, be careful not to be too greedy, because if you cash 3 guns, you lose ALL the brains that you had collected during your turn, and must wait for the next to leave in pursuit of your victims!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Zombie Dice or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 ruler sheet, 13 dice, 1 cup.