Players stack dice chosen by one of them and score points when the tower holds... or lose points if it collapses. The difficulty depends of course on the size of the die, but especially on the order in which it is placed and the tower on which it is placed. And these two conditions are dictated to the player by the face value of his die.
The first player rolls the dice and chooses, following a few simple rules, which ones they will give to their opponents and to whom. The player who rolls first becomes the first player and, in turn, will try to score points and cause his opponents to fall by forcing them to try risky balances.
Contents of the box : 14 dice (7 small, 4 medium, 2 large, 1 very large), 1 base for the rounds, 1 score track (on the game box), 6 markers (4 small to score, 1 black to score the rounds, 1 large to indicate the first player), 1 game rule.