The energy of the future! The year is 2849, the dawn of an incredible emergence of stellar energy. Rival companies have positioned their exploration shuttles on the edge of a star cluster rich in pulsars and are ready to exploit its riches. At the head of these companies, the players will strive to extend their influence by building large space megastructures. Choose your dice to explore the universe in Pulsar 2849.
Each turn, roll a number of dice (based on the number of players), rank them by value, and then "draft" the dice to take action so you can visit unexplored planetary systems, take possession of a pulsar to install a gyro generator to recover energy, or build energy transmitters. Victory points represent each company's performance in different aspects of energy supply. You have eight towers to make the most of the universe.
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Contents of the box : 14 boards, 10 dice, 65 miscellaneous tiles, 120 Player tokens (30 per color), 12 shuttles, 24 Pulsar rings (6 per color), 30 Girodyne tokens (10 of each type), 33 miscellaneous tokens, 25 Engineering cubes, 7 miscellaneous markers, 1 rulebook, 1 Technology Guide, 4 game aids.