Merryham was registered on Aug 25, 2021. He has 5 games in his Collection and 1 games in his Wishlist. Merryham gave 4 reviews.
All players together have to manage to put all cards on 4 piles: 2 ascending, 2 descending. To help them in this task, they can jump backwards by 10. But will this be enough to beat the game, knowing that you cannot tell the value of your cards in your...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.90 to €15.00
What would happen if mages from different magic schools came to an arena to fight a dead man? An illusionist facing a druid, a wizard facing a druid or a priest facing a magician? Mage Wars is a game that combines the mechanisms of card and figure games...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.90 to €256.65
Players try to get rid of their chips by skillfully combining them, and the first player to get rid of all his chips wins the game. The rules of the game being simple, it was quickly understood how it works. This clever mix of strategy and luck provides...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Amount : from €19.98
Adventure with a Big Dice! There are no more heroes, my good lady. Only charlatans and smooth talkers who sing their so-called heroic deeds to steal a few coins and take advantage of our girls. Fortunately, the King has decided to crack down and has...
Languages : French
Release Date : May 2012
Do you like to splurge on your money? Let yourself go on frenetic purchases of properties with this classic version of MONOPOLY! Buy streets, houses and hotels and become the real estate mogul you've always dreamed of. Negotiate and haggle your way to...
Languages : French
Amount : from €27.00
But what's a daddy's Joke? Let's be clear, it's a shitty joke, the one your dad could do what... But it's also a series of Quebec videos made by the Gaboom team (to discover urgently if you don't know, it's good to laugh sometimes!). In these videos,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.66 to €22.00