


ratamiez was registered on Jan 16, 2023. He has 90 games in his Collection and 15 games in his Wishlist.

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1982 - (x)(x)(x)(,)() 3.1 - 674 Notes And 1 Reviews

Probably the most popular war game on the mass market. The objective is world conquest. Each player's turn is to gain reinforcements through the number of territories held, control of all territories...

Probably the most popular war game on the mass market. The objective is world conquest. Each...

Languages : French
Release Date : November 1982

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Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde

Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde

2005 - (x)(x)(x)(x)() 4 - 726 Notes

Play as one of the famous Knights of the Round Table and try to protect Camelot from the forces of evil! To do this, you will need to complete many quests such as the search for Excalibur, the...

Play as one of the famous Knights of the Round Table and try to protect Camelot from the forces...

Languages : French
Release Date : May 2005

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Small World

Small World

2009 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 2,750 Notes

Small World is a game for 2 to 5 players in which each player struggles to establish his civilization in a fantastic and whimsical world. However, this world is very small, and there is not...

Small World is a game for 2 to 5 players in which each player struggles to establish his civilization...

Languages : French
Release Date : March 2009

Buy on Amazon €44.89
Small World: Maauuudits !

Small World: Maauuudits !

2009 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.3 - 146 Notes

To be defeated without danger, one avoids trouble. Goblins can conquer areas occupied by a declining People with one token less than necessary... The Kobolds are not to be outdone: they "work...

To be defeated without danger, one avoids trouble. Goblins can conquer areas occupied by a...

Languages : French
Release Date : November 2009

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Small World: Honneur aux Dames !

Small World: Honneur aux Dames !

2009 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 145 Notes

When the Priestesses decline, they form their Ivory Tower by gathering all in a single region. Each Priestess of the Ivory Tower brings back one victory token per turn! Gypsies are a nomadic...

When the Priestesses decline, they form their Ivory Tower by gathering all in a single region....

Languages : French
Release Date : November 2009

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Small World: Leaders of Small World

Small World: Leaders of Small World

2009 - (x)(x)(x)(,)() 3.3 - 45 Notes

This expansion does not propose a new people or power, but is composed of a Chief token for each people in the game. Whenever you have to choose a new combination of People/Special Power, you...

This expansion does not propose a new people or power, but is composed of a Chief token for...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Release Date : November 2009

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Agricola: Les Fermiers de la Lande

Agricola: Les Fermiers de la Lande

2010 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 75 Notes

New animal: the horse. The horse is edible but it is also a big factor of points at the end of the game. New minor and major developments: 132 additional developments: Peat Oven, Stables, Horse...

New animal: the horse. The horse is edible but it is also a big factor of points at the end...

Languages : French
Release Date : July 2010

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Water Lily

Water Lily

2010 - (x)(x)(x)(x)() 4 - 65 Notes

Princess Water Lily and her three sisters are to be married! All the frogs in the kingdom want to participate in the Royal Race, because the winners will win their hand and be elevated to the...

Princess Water Lily and her three sisters are to be married! All the frogs in the kingdom...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Release Date : October 2010

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Small World: Même pas Peur !

Small World: Même pas Peur !

2010 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.1 - 116 Notes

The people in our little world are scarier than each other, but if we want to survive here, we have to clench our teeth and repeat, "Not even afraid!" This extension for Small World will allow...

The people in our little world are scarier than each other, but if we want to survive here,...

Languages : French
Release Date : October 2010

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Small World: Necromancer Island

Small World: Necromancer Island

2010 - (x)(x)(x)(x)() 3.9 - 49 Notes

At first, no one cared about the rumours. It was known that an island was in the middle of Small World Lake, but when some claimed that a sinister old man regularly went there, using an old...

At first, no one cared about the rumours. It was known that an island was in the middle of...

Languages : German, English, French
Release Date : November 2010

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Small World: Underground

Small World: Underground

2011 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.2 - 2,750 Notes

Small World Underground is a complete game set in the same fantastic and offbeat universe as Small World, but underground, where empires are made and undone through epic conquests. Still created...

Small World Underground is a complete game set in the same fantastic and offbeat universe...

Languages : French
Release Date : June 2011

Buy on Amazon €49.95
Disque-Monde: Ankh-Morpork

Welcome to Ankh-Morpork, the oldest, largest and most smelly city on the World Disc! Lord Veterini, the Patrician of the city is dead!... or has been kidnapped... or has gone on vacation......

Welcome to Ankh-Morpork, the oldest, largest and most smelly city on the World Disc! Lord...

Languages : French
Release Date : September 2011

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