Frédéric Weil, Designer board games. Created 41 games (Nephilim: Légende - Le Souffle du Dragon, Nephilim: Légende - Les Templiers, Nephilim: Légende - Les Arcanes Majeurs, Nephilim: Légende - Les Veilleurs du..., + 37 more) and illustrated 1 (Nephilim: Le Souffle du Dragon)
You play with your gang of friends. Find there an important choice of board games, figurines, etc
Book IV - The Dragon's Breath is an epic campaign written for the fifth edition of Nephilim. A revival of the previous edition, adapted to the new rules and the new context, it projects the characters into a struggle originating before the fall of the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €37.00 to €45.00
Book III - The Knights Templar is the third context supplement for the fifth edition of Nephilim. It is dedicated to this minor arcana, a human society that appeared in ancient Egypt and reached its apogee during the time of the Crusades and whose ultimate...
Languages : French
Amount : from €37.00
Book II - The Major Arcana is the second context supplement for the fifth edition of Nephilim. It is dedicated to the 22 societies of Nephilim which offer as many paths to the Agartha and which often have an impact on both the occult and the profane...
Languages : French
Release Date : December 2020
This supplement for the role-playing game Nephilim Legend includes : The Green Lion, the complete description of the famous bookstore of the Incunable Sovereignty. For the Nephilim, this occult bookstore is the very first place to enter the occult world,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €47.00
Quintessence is Nephilim Legend's rulebook and presentation book. Here you will discover the world of Nephilim in a simple way. Based on the famous D100 game engine (the one that powered the first two editions of Nephilim), the rules are particularly...
Languages : French
Amount : from €54.90 to €55.00
The Golden Fleece is a campaign for the role-playing game Nephilim Legend, launching the characters in search of the mythical Golden Fleece! Between mythology, mystical orders of chivalry, the resurgence of a strange duchy of Burgundy, alchemical allegory,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €50.00
With the Grimoire du Nephilim, each player will have in his hands all the information concerning the occult sciences. This 96-page book contains all the magic spells, Kabbalah invocations and alchemy formulas. It is therefore the reference book and game...
Languages : French
Amount : from €27.00
In Nephilim, you play an antediluvian elemental spirit that is embodied during key moments in human history. Within the occult world, you try to thwart the dark plots of secret societies such as the Templars. Thanks to your Pentacle, which is your very...
Languages : French
Amount : from €389.00
The new one Ys is the rewriting of the first screenplay ever written for Nephilim, The new one Atlantys, and above all, its development into a campaign in three scenarios that will see the Nephilim confront the unveiling by pseudo-occultists of their...
Languages : French
Release Date : May 2019
This 16-page book is a free Nephilim demo kit, designed for an easy discovery of the game. Produced by the association Les Héritiers de Babel, it is composed of a scenario and pre-drawn characters with some explanations of the game system in order to...
Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00
The treasure of the Templars, the alchemical quest of the Great Work the fall of Atlantis, the magic words of Kabbalah, the signs of astrology, the magical elements, the whole world vibrates to these secret signs. With Nephilim: Revelation, the role...
Languages : French
Amount : from €127.99
Coming in addition to the Book of the Player, this book aims to describe in a synthetic way to the game master of Nephilim: Revelation the entire background developed during the ten years of life of the game. This dense book details the whole world of...
Languages : French
Amount : from €24.99 to €28.99
This 300-page full-featured role-playing game takes us to the world of Guilds, Cosme's universe. It is actually a second edition of this game at the level of rules (which have been simplified). The focus is also on creating characters by defining the...
Languages : French
Release Date : August 2000
This 300-page full-featured role-playing game takes us to the world of Guilds, Cosme's universe. It is actually a second edition of this game at the level of rules (which have been simplified). The focus is also on creating characters by defining the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €64.76
Prague. The threshold. Alchemical city par excellence, it keeps in memory the intrigues which agitated the court of Rodolphe II of Bohemia. In this issue, walk in the footsteps of John Dee and Selim II. Rediscover the intrigues of the city with a hundred...
Languages : French
Amount : from €19.90
This 160-page supplement contains all the necessary information for players to perfect the interpretation of the magi of the Cryptogram-magician and harmonists, as well as additional information for the gray eminence on the nature of the Harmony, the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €105.73