M. Wayne Miller

M. Wayne Miller (Artist)

M. Wayne Miller

M. Wayne Miller, Artist board games. Illustrated 2 games (L’Appel de Cthulhu: Aux Portes des..., L’Appel de Cthulhu: Boîte de Base)

L’Appel de Cthulhu: Aux Portes des Ténèbres
L’Appel de Cthulhu: Aux Portes des Ténèbres

Players: 2+Nb of players

144 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

At the Gates of Darkness contains five scenarios written specifically for Sentinels and players new to the Call of Cthulhu. Here you'll find horror, mystery, investigations, hideous monsters, spells and buried secrets, as well as many tips on how to...

Languages : French
Amount : from €34.19 to €34.95

0 Buy on Philibert €34.95

L’Appel de Cthulhu: Boîte de Base

2019 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.6 - 39 Notes
L’Appel de Cthulhu: Boîte de Base

Players: 2+Nb of players

156 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

This Starter Kit contains everything you need to start playing Cthulhu's Call, the mystery and horror role-playing game. Players interpret investigators dedicated to uncovering dreadful secrets, confronting strange creatures and thwarting the plans of...

Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00 to €41.19

0 Buy on Amazon €41.19
L’Appel de Cthulhu: Boîte de Base