Mateusz Komada, board games. Illustrated 32 games (Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time, Chronicles of Crime Millennium: 1400..., Mutants: Next Level, Mutants: Incubator Overload, + 28 more)
After years of conflict, it became clear that only alliances could decide on the final victory. Many tribes have formed guilds and joined forces. This cooperation has made it possible to bring to life many technologies aimed at changing the face of this...
Languages : English
Amount : from €44.25
The second expansion of the game Vikings Gone Wild! Play as Viking clan leaders fighting against each other to prove to the Gods which of them is the best. During each round, you play cards with your hand to buy Units or Defenses, erect buildings and...
Languages : English
Amount : from €35.55
Hel has unleashed hell on Valhalla and on earth. The gods are busy fighting between them, and the clan leaders have decided to unite to repel the army of the dead. Will you be able to repel the Ragnarök? Or will you suffer the flames of hell? Take up...
Languages : English
Amount : from €15.30