Pascal Quidault, Artist board games. Illustrated 46 games (Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice, Sherlock Holmes: Détective Conseil..., Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice..., + 42 more)
You play with your gang of friends. Find there an important choice of board games, figurines, etc
Bureau of Investigation: Investigations at Arkham & Other Lands uses the Sherlock Holmes Detective Council system in a world inspired by the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Go from the London fog to New England and the Boston suburbs. Beware, the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €35.19 to €40.00
In the kingdom of Abyss, intrigues and corruption punctuate the life of the deep. At the Senate Ocean Assembly, you are at the heart of this ongoing power struggle and your opponents are constantly working to gain influence. Recruit the most advantageous...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €13.90 to €15.99
In the kingdom of Abyss, intrigues and corruption punctuate the life of the deep. At the Senate Ocean Assembly, you are at the heart of this ongoing power struggle and your opponents are constantly working to gain influence. Recruit the most advantageous...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €26.00
In the kingdom of Abyss, intrigues and corruption punctuate the life of the deep. At the Senate Ocean Assembly, you are at the heart of this ongoing power struggle and your opponents are constantly working to gain influence. Recruit the most advantageous...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €13.50 to €24.99
In the kingdom of Abyss, intrigues and corruption punctuate the life of the deep. At the Senate Ocean Assembly, you are at the heart of this ongoing power struggle and your opponents are constantly working to gain influence. Recruit the most advantageous...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €26.00
In the kingdom of Abyss, intrigues and corruption punctuate the life of the deep. At the Senate Ocean Assembly, you are at the heart of this ongoing power struggle and your opponents are constantly working to gain influence. Recruit the most advantageous...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €13.50 to €15.00
You did not want to take the head with complicated rules. These games are for you!
N.T. 1673: Ah! Versailles. His yard. Its eIteTqtue. sOn p1SG3Tre. DO. Hdesba rgasezfl. FATAL 3RR0R: 3ND OF TR4NSMISSION. 1011100101 .___ After this adventure, nothing will ever be like before ... Contents of the box : 150 cards, 1 rule of the game.
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.48 to €28.60
N.T. 1685: Travel the Caribbean and hoist the flag of the T.I.M.E. Flibustiers agency high up. Privateers and pirates are waiting for you! Taking place in 1685, during the golden age of piracy in the 17th century, the story involves the disappearance...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.00 to €28.60
Embark with the T.I.M.E agency for the year of grace 1685. In the open Caribbean Sea, your mission is as follows: to free the receptacles of the future "Brothers of the Coast" mission. This 60-minute free scenario allows you to present the game without...
Languages : French
Release Date : November 2017
N.T. 1982 In Hollywood, ghosts of the past never die. Embark on a new adventure in the past with the 6th expansion of T.I.M.E Stories. As always, you are in charge of investigating a disturbance in the time curve. This time, here you are in 1982, called...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.50 to €28.60
N.T. 1419: the Reconquista ends in Spain. Take part in a diplomatic mission on behalf of the Papacy. Immersed in medieval Spain at the end of the Reconquista (N.T. 1419), the players took possession of vessels on diplomatic missions for the Papacy. Their...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.50 to €28.60
N.T. -1146: Explore the Valley of the Kings and uncover the immemorial secret of the Pharaohs. An ancient scenario for T.I.M.E. Stories. This time, the agents were sent far back in the past, to the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs. "Their mission will confront...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.50 to €28.60
You are a board game player. Make a choice in the best action games and have fun!
You play with your family. Find news about board games made for your evenings or rainy week-ends.
Discover new ways to play Splendor! Cities of Splendor contains 4 independent expansions for Splendor, the first Space Cowboys game: The Cities, The Counters, The Orient, The Bastions. The Cities: New objectives. Each city requires its own major work. Complete one of them to win the game....
0 Out of Philibert €29.95Splendor is a game event. The simplicity of its rules has won the hearts of many players, and today, Splendor has a choice accessory for your games. This game mat with its exemplary readability will make the goldsmith's strategies sparkle even more! Contents of the box : 1 play mat.
0 Search on AmazonIn Splendor, you play as a wealthy Renaissance merchant. You will use your resources to acquire mines, transportation and craftsmen to turn raw stones into beautiful jewellery. Shuffle each deck of development cards separately and place them in a column in the centre of the table, in ascending...
0 Buy on Amazon €31.49