Vladimir Subbotin

Vladimir Subbotin (Artist)

Vladimir Subbotin

Vladimir Subbotin, Artist board games. Illustrated 1 games (Escape Book: Le Collège Infernal)

Escape Book: Le Collège Infernal

Escape Book: Le Collège Infernal

2020 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.3 - 41 Notes
Escape Book: Le Collège Infernal

Players: 1+Nb of players

96 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 8+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

You've just arrived at school when your friend Adrien rushes over to you. A Minecraft fan, he has managed to hack the game by finding the invincibility command! As he installs it on your phone, it's a disaster: his manipulation gets you stuck in the...

Languages : French
Amount : from €7.95 to €13.32

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