Death Note: The Investigation Game is a hidden-role game set in the anime universe, with each character having their own objectives to achieve. At the beginning of the game, the only revealed role, having the role of GM will be L. His mission will be to lead the investigation, distributing suspicions during the 5 rounds of the game with the ultimate goal of finding out who is playing Light. The other players all have their own objectives, they can help L or not... On each turn, his main action is to look at the active hidden investigation and decide whether to keep it active or not. If so, he can add an action card to his hand. These action cards can be played at different times during the game, depending on what is indicated on the card.
When each layer around L has looked at the investigation card, L reveals the active one, applies the effect and gives the suspicions indicated. At 6 suspicions, a role is revealed. After 5 rounds, if L is not revealed, he loses the game. The other players reveal their role and gain victory points according to their objectives achieved. The game can end earlier if Light is revealed or if 3 roles are revealed and killed.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
#Comic Strip #Fantastic #Bluff #Role-playContents of the box : 9 Role Cards, 46 Action Cards, 25 Investigation Tiles, 1 Ryuk Counter, 90 Chips, 4 Game Aids, 1 Rule Book.