Supplement for the contemporary occult role-playing game NEPHILIM Second edition of the Multisim editions. This booklet is part of a series of 22 volumes which make up the Great Codex of the Adopted and which propose to explore in depth the Major Arcana created by Pharaoh Akhenaten. Thanks to the Codex of the Adopted, learn the customs and knowledge of the families of Nephilim so that you no longer have to walk the winding paths of Sapience alone. The Adopted of the Cosmic Scales apply Justice in the occult world and sue the Nephilim whose actions oppose the harmony of the world... or their own interests. But Justice is not limited to a punitive discipline. It is one of the quests of the Agartha, the attempt to found the utopian society that will resist the Apocalypse.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention the fact that this game is a complement and therefore cannot be used alone to play. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this add-on.
Contents of the box : 1 book of 32 pages.