Game Complements

Renew your games with one or more scenarios. They allow you to enrich your role-playing game. Be careful, you cannot play with some add-ons without having the basic book.

Fading Suns: Byzantium Secundus

Welcome to Byzantium Secundus, seat of the Empire, node of the Star Network, economy, politics and diplomacy, through a supplement dedicated to the World Throne and its inhabitants on which...

Welcome to Byzantium Secundus, seat of the Empire, node of the Star Network, economy, politics...

Languages : French
Product Code : MULFS07

Out of Amazon €76.00
Fading Suns: Les Marchands du Réseau Stellaire

The Guilds reign on the stellar roads, produce innumerable indispensable goods and organize exchanges under the watchful eye of the nobles and the Church. This capital supplement (iste) makes...

The Guilds reign on the stellar roads, produce innumerable indispensable goods and organize...

Languages : French
Product Code : MULFS06

Out of Amazon €88.00
Fading Suns: Les Prêtres du Soleil Universel

After the Lords of the Known Worlds dedicated to the nobility, it is now the turn of the Clergy to be described in detail. The Universal Solar Church is inescapable, its influence is omnipresent...

After the Lords of the Known Worlds dedicated to the nobility, it is now the turn of the Clergy...

Languages : French
Product Code : MULFS05

Out of Amazon €76.00
Fading Suns: Les Sables de la Foi

Whoever leaves his home to follow in the footsteps of the prophet, that one will gain the Empyreus by wandering on the paths of Faith.... The prophet was born on Mars almost 3000 years ago....

Whoever leaves his home to follow in the footsteps of the prophet, that one will gain the...

Languages : French
Product Code : MULFS04

Out of Amazon €19.41