Novelty of the third edition of Nephilim, the Ar-Kaim (or Revealed) are a new race of Immortals appeared with the Revelation. Born from the fusion of a human and a rare concentration of magical fields under the influence of a favorable astral conjunction, the Ar-Kaim are related to the Nephilim but refuse to be assimilated to those rigid Immortals with archaic traditions. Turbulent, fiery, rebellious, such is the typical Ar-Kaim. This Codex, like the previous ones, is aimed at the GM and the players who embody this type of character.
This book contains: rules for playing and developing a Revealed and a Simulacrum. New talents available to all homes. Testimonies on the themes that preoccupy the Ar-Kaim: Agartha, Akhenaton, the Subtle Plans, the relationship between immortals and humans, the Apocalypse ... Tips for surviving in the contemporary occult world. Information on the main figures of Nephilim: Revelation.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention the fact that this game is a complement and therefore cannot be used alone to play. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this add-on.
Contents of the box : 128-page black and white book with a soft cover in colour.