Here are finally gathered in 128 pages, many illustrations that make Anima, this game apart. A very strong visual. A remarkable imagination. By opening this book you enter another world on your feet. One of the elements that characterizes the entire Anima product range is the excellent quality of its illustrations. In its pages, you have seen famous artists such as Salvador Espín or Wen Yu Li, or Luis NCT, Sergio Melero, Raul Rosell, Alicia Guillem and many others.
Anima Genesis is an art book in which are gathered the most beautiful works of these artists, a compilation of the sets and styles that have served, line by line and color by color, to give life to the world of Anima. In these pages, you will see not only its birth and evolution but also the artistic decisions that have guided the work that we all know. Anima Genesis is divided into eight different sections, one of which is the Art Gallery where you can see the main illustrations of the saga, the creation of the world of Gaia and its most picturesque places, as well as the Characters and Creatures and other lesser known entities and individuals.
However, Anima Genesis is not limited to showing you the drawings you have already seen in Anima's books and games, as you will also find exclusive illustrations and participations.
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Contents of the box : Book of 128 pages with a colour cardboard cover.