The night gathers, and here begins my shift... The great houses and their vassals play the eternal game of thrones, but Westeros does not lend itself to it. The men of the Night's Guard protected the immense Ice Wall, once built to contain the abominations of the Long Night. Once made up of countless knights and lords who had given up everything to protect the Seven Crowns from predators from the northern confines, the Guard is now a gang of thieves, murderers and political exiles. When the savages shake on the other side of the Wall and a cold wind rises, will they be enough to protect Westeros?
La Garde de Nuit offers you everything you need to stage this noble institution in your chronicles of the Iron Throne Role Playing Game: New rules! Create characters of the Guard and wild animals, using the new advantages and faults. New archetypes! Eleven new archetypes, such as the veteran raven or the stitcher. New information! The detailed history of the Night's Watch and the free people. New styles of chronicles! Create a castle of the Night's Watch or a tribe of the free people. New characters! New characters! The files of Mance Rayder, Cotter Pyke, the Lord of the Bones and many others! New Others! Will you dare to face the King of Winter or the Stroller? New adventures! Ready to play encounters designed to make the Narrator's life easier. The savages gather behind the wall and sinister creatures awaken. Pray, inhabitants of the green lands....
... because winter is coming!
Good to know!
We bring to your attention the fact that this game is a complement and therefore cannot be used alone to play. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this add-on.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 colour book of 128 pages, hardcover.