Left to chaos after the death of the god Aroden, the Cheliax found a new spiritual guide to help him master the resulting anarchy and destruction: Asmodeus. Today dominated by the three-times damned house of Thrune, the Cheliax is a land where order is as inflexible and rigid as a steel sword dipped in the fires of Hell. It is here, in Couronne d'Ouest, the former capital of the country, that the Thieves' Council's Pathfinder Campaign begins.
Will you be heroes who restore the wavering honour of Crown West, fight an ancient curse and battle against an enemy deadlier than any fiend? All this in the hope of restoring a certain splendour to a metropolis that has been too long in the making. assaulted by dark creatures of the night? With the Player's Guide, prepare yourself for the challenges your character and your companions are sure to face in the Thief Council's Pathfinder Campaign.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention the fact that this game is a complement and therefore cannot be used alone to play. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this add-on.
Contents of the box : 1 book of 16 pages.